2023 Strokes Gained Studio Biggest Loser – Golf Handicap Edition


The Strokes Gained Biggest Loser – Golf Handicap Challenge is a 13 week challenge to help you lose the most shots off your Golf Australia Handicap over 13 weeks.

Challenge starts July 1st 2023.


Access to training sessions with our expert coaches

Access to book TrackMan Simulator sessions

Supervised practice sessions with our PGA coaches

Up to $5,000 in prizes and bonus prizes

Join the Transformation Challenge!

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Access to training sessions with our expert coaches

Access to book TrackMan Simulator sessions

Supervised practice sessions with our PGA coaches

Up to $5,000 in prizes and bonus prizes

What does the challenge involve?

We track your golf handicap when you start the challenge and monitor you throughout to track your performance. Winners are determined by the improvement you make on your handicap from the start to the end of the 13 week challenge.

Category 1 : Handicap 0-7

Category 2 : Handicap 8-18

Category 3 : Handicap 18+

How Do You join the challenge?


per week / 13 week challenge
  • 2 x 1 hour TrackMan Simulator sessions per week to practice
  • Access to Supervised practice sessions with our PGA coaches
  • 1 x private golf specific movement assessment plus full report to assess your body’s overall movement patterns for your golf swing
  • Access to a personalized mobility routine delivered via app
  • Unlimited access to the putting area


per week / 13 week challenge
  • Your choice of 2 x Gym + 1 Sim or 2 x Sim + 1 Gym
  • Access to our golf-specific gym programs and our purpose built training facility*
  • 1 x hour TrackMan Simulator sessions per week to practice*
  • Access to golf specific training sessions with our expert coaches
  • Access to Supervised practice sessions with our PGA coaches
  • A private golf specific movement assessment and full report to assess your body’s overall movement patterns for your golf swing
  • Access to a personalized mobility routine delivered via app straight to your phone
  • Unlimited access to the putting area


per week / 13 week challenge
  • Unlimited access to golf specific training sessions with our expert coaches
  • Access to our golf-specific gym programs and our purpose built training facility
  • 2 x 1 hour TrackMan Simulator sessions per week to practice
  • Access to Supervised practice sessions with our PGA coaches
  • A private golf specific movement assessment and full report to assess your body’s overall movement patterns for your golf swing
  • Access to a personalized mobility routine delivered via app straight to your phone
  • Unlimited access to the putting area

$1350 cash priZe for the biggest loser in each category

Bonus prizes for:

Most practice sessions in month one

Most practice sessions after month two

Bonus incentives to continue your golf performance


1. Must commit to at least 6 supervised practice sessions over the 13 week period
2. Must commit to at least 3 practice sessions every 4 weeks over the 13 week period
3. Must submit a minimum of 8 comp rounds to Golf Australia over the 13 week period

* Choose between 2 x gym sessions and 1 x TrackMan Simulator session per week or 1 x gym session and 2 x TrackMan Simulator sessions. You may choose each week the combination but cannot exceed your plan. You are able to upgrade your plan at anypoint during the challenge.

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